Fade In App

Current Backpack customers can sign in here.


We launched Backpack back in 2005 so people could “keep life’s loose ends together” in one place online. Since then, hundreds of thousands of people have kept millions of loose ends safe in their online Backpacks.

Fade screen in tablet layou app ‎ 03:43 AM. The Fade is regarding the transition of screens behaviour. The Notify function puts a banner across the top of the screen and there are a number of tricks to display messages for a short period, including timers with semi-transparent rectangles and message labels covering the. Fade to Silence is a single-player and co-op survival adventure set in a post-apocalyptic world that is frozen in an eternal winter. Snow and ice have shaped a merciless landscape. Nature is corrupted. Monstrous creatures out of an Eldritch horror dream roam the frozen wasteland.

However, because we haven’t given Backpack much attention in the last few years, and as part of refocusing our efforts on a slimmer product line, we’ve decided to no longer offer Backpack to new customers.

Existing customers will be able to continue using Backpack as they always have. Your account, your Backpack pages, and your data remains safe in Backpack. You can sign in to your account here.

For those new customers who are interested in something like Backpack, we highly recommend checking out Basecamp. It does much of what Backpack does — and more.



Fade In Free Trial

Jason Fried, Founder & CEO, Basecamp

Fade In App Download

BTW: I’m @jasonfried on Twitter or jason@basecamp.com via email.