Vhdl Syntax Cheat Sheet

The Shock and Awe VHDL Tutorial 9/13/05 5 List of Figures Figure 1: An example of VHDL case insensitivity.- 12. ES 4 VHDL reference sheet r.2019.02.19- This is a comment /. Multi-line comment. Use tounsigned for unsigned constants before VHDL 2008. Process blocks Reporting. VHDL Examples EE 595 EDA / ASIC Design Lab. Example 1 Odd Parity Generator- This module has two inputs, one output and one process.- The clock input and the input. GitHub - ismailelbadawy/vhdl-cheat-sheet: This is a cheat sheet for vhdl to help when in doubt about syntax or buidling blocks. Syntax Standards The syntax in this handbook describes VHDL’93. At pages 70-73 the main differences between VHDL’87 and VHDL’93 are explained. The Backus-Naur-format All syntax in this handbook is described using the so called Backus-Naur-format. Here follows a short summary of the format.

A test bench is required to verify the functionality of complex modules in VHDL. This posts contain information about how to write testbenches to get you started right away.

Common Constructs for a test bench

wait statement

The wait statement can take many forms but the most useful one in this context is

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An example is:

This is used while testing combinational logic to give time to the simulator to calculate the output values based on the input signal values.

assert and report statements

The syntax for the assert statement is as follows:

The assert statement tests the boolean condition, if the condition is false, it outputs a message containing the message string to the simulator screen.
The severity level can be note, warning, error, or failure. The level failure normally aborts the simulation.

The report statement accepts a message string enclosed between double quotation marks as follows:

Vhdl Tutorial

the severity argument can also be used in the statement.

The message after the report keyword can be concatenation of various messages separated by an & sign as follows:

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If we want to display the signal values we can do so using the image function provided by the VHDL library. This function converts the value to a string representation, it is important to note that the data type in the report statement must be same as the data type of the variable. Also note that the image function is available for std_logic, integer etc data types but not for std_logic_vector, so for std_logic_vector we must perform type conversion. The following example demonstrates the statements:

Component Declaration

Under the architecture section (between architecture and begin), we must include a declaration for the module we are trying to test (instantiate). This is called a component declaration. For instantiating modules, all we need is the interface definition so that the VHDL can bind the module definition and definition. Note that the component declaration is exact replica of the entity declaration for the corresponding module. An example is as follows:

Vhdl Syntax Cheat Sheet Pdf

Component Instantiation

Vhdl Example

Under the begin statement in the architecture section, we instantiate the module as follows

Clock Generation

Clock is declared as a signal and we can declare the clock period as a constant. The clock can be generated using a separate process as follows:

Generating Stimulus

The stimulus to the UUT (Unit Under Test) can be generated either in a process or using the concurrent signal assignment statements.

Concurrent Assignment

Vhdl Syntax Cheat Sheet Printable

The method using the concurrent assignment can be used to test combinational logic, an example is as follows:

process for generating stimulus

The above method of concurrent assignment is suitable for testing
small combinational logic, but a better alternative is to use the
VHDL process. The syntax of process could be something like:

The advantage of this approach is that we can use all type of control flow and decision statements like the loops, if statements etc.

A simple test bench for a 4 bit adder which takes two 4-bit vectors as input and generates a 4 bit sum is as follows:

The above example shows how all of the constructs shown above are used together to write a test bench.